I hope you enjoyed visiting my site 😊 There are two new songs on the way (but delayed sorry!) so watch this space...
Big thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years 🙏🏼 You simply ROCK! It's a great feeling to know there are people who enjoy my art and truly humbling to know it's being used in projects all over the world. If anyone would like to license my music outside of the fair use policy then please get in touch. If anyone has any questions about my testimony and beliefs, would like me to pray for you, or someone you know then feel free to get in touch on my email, or social media accounts.
Read on if you're wondering why so many bad things are happening in the world at present. This is a 20-30 minute read and I believe very worth it if you are seeking clarity and answers. I'm not a teacher and certainly don't want to be one, but I do believe that what I'm sharing is the truth as I personally know and experience it, and how current world events are connected to Biblical prophecy, and why.
What I've written below are simply my beliefs and opinions that stem from over 15 years of research which started when I had a profound and extraordinary life-changing, life-saving experience with the Messiah in 2009.
I believe these nuggets of truth are incredibly important to know and even more so considering the chaotic times we're living in. I implore anyone who wants to fully understand them to read all of the Messiah's words, especially in the 'Gospel of Matthew', and the Almighty's Divine Words in the scriptures of the 'Torah' & 'Prophets' mentioned from here on.
Some of the scriptures I use from the Torah are the most important as they're about the observance of the 'Commandments' which lay the foundation and pattern of the 'Blessings & Curses', and are bestowed upon the world to guide us to the straight path. They've been set in place from the dawn of humanity by our Heavenly Father & Creator:
These 'Divinely' imparted scriptures explain how our personal lives, our tribes, nations and civilisations are all intrinsically connected to the law of cause and effect that relates to our choices and behaviours which ultimately result in whether we are blessed, or cursed...
According to the Almighty's unadulterated 'Word' we are instructed to test everything and everyone as laid out in 'Deuteronomy 13 & 18 to 19' (reiterated by the Messiah in Matthew 5:17-20, 6:13, 7:15, 18:16, 24:24 & 24:4-5.)
Here it reveals, that we are also being tested. The whole purpose of our existence is to be tried and tested on whether we choose what's right, or wrong, good, or evil. We have constant choices, trials and lessons throughout our lifetimes that gradually mould us into what we choose to become.
The 'Serpent's Seed' mentioned in the 'Book of Genesis' in the Bible are our tempters. They're also known as the 'Tares', 'Nephilim' & the 'Descendants of Cain' and have assumed various other identities throughout history.
They're who our Creator grants the ability to give us choice by opposing His truth and righteousness. In accordance with His will for us to be tested they've succeeded in corrupting His Words by subtly stitching their dark spells of Paganism, lawlessness and idolatry into the most popular and powerful book in the world through their wicked Scribes and numerous, erroneous translations.
They're the offspring of the 'Fallen-Angels' who were the first tempters of humankind and their collective goals are: to corrupt us, disrupt our connection to our Creator and pervert His true nature, to conceal His profound love for us and turn His creation on its head.
We are at war with these beings make no mistake about it! And the war is for our souls...
People need to know our Messiah and that He is real and busy at work helping people come to the light. Over recent years I've come to this realisation that as the world turns we either get blessed, or cursed, and the truth of our Creator truly sets us free! Since the blood-moon tetrad and solar eclipse that landed precisely on the Biblically set-apart commemorative days during 2014/15 the world has started to go through a major downward spiral. We've had mass and destructive migration into the West, wars escalating, financial and economic hardships, tyrannical and oppressive powers rising, racial tensions, societal breakdowns, extreme weather events, pestilence and much more! When these tetrads and solar eclipses have occurred throughout history significant events have taken place. The pattern of the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' seems to be playing out right now. These tetrads and eclipses are given to us as warnings and indicators of impending judgements and upheaval and are spoken to us through the Prophets and Messiah, so we should most definitely take heed and be prepared for what's coming...
As negative as all this may sound I'm just being a realist and ultimately we have hope in the Messiah, so we just need to sincerely follow His teachings and look at things through a Biblical lens and perspective. Unfortunately, I feel things are about to get much worse which should become more apparent as we head towards yet another tetrad that happens during 2032/33. Looking at the current state of the world around me and afar, it's clear that many people refuse to change direction, repent, to humble themselves and have actually become more selfish and lawless especially since the turbulent times that started around 2020. It certainly looks like we are heading towards even more difficult and dark times 😔 I predict the next few decades bringing much turmoil due to this hardened spirit and the ultra-liberal spirit growing in the world, but especially in Western nations.
These lands of the West which are predominately inhabited by White people with roots in Celtic, Anglo-Saxon & European history are home to some of the 'Lost Tribes of Israel.' The falling Western empire is being invaded by its enemies and I believe will be brought low through the coming WW3 and what ensues when the dust settles. I envisage Western nations will soon push their men to die in this war and the imported young foreign men being trained and placed all around Western cities and towns will be used as mercenaries against those left behind who will be rebelling. Then they'll take the remaining Western women as their wives and make the West their new home. The end result will be devastating to White people who are being depopulated by the 💉 led into war and, Biblically speaking, are being spewed out of their own lands and replaced by foreigners. This is, I believe, due to the culmination and consequences of all the lawlessness from the atheistic, ultra-liberal and progressive abominations that have
taken-over modern-day society that coincide with the extreme and destructive abuse of freedoms which are warned about in 'Deuteronomy 28' & 'Leviticus 18'.
Western civilisation has become 'Satanic' and while rotten on the inside it's been colourfully dressed up as progressive and woke on the outside. It is cursed, diseased, crime-ridden, broken, and the family unit has failed due to the high levels of adultery, divorce, child abuse and neglect and extreme moral decay. This is why it's being systematically destroyed...
You may have noticed (due to the biasedly selective and purposely driven amount of media coverage & successive false-flag/orchestrated events) that the power behind the modern state of 'Israel' is not quite what it seems. Although most countries are by now also controlled by the 'Globalist Cabal' Israel and the spuriously named territory mockingly titled 'Palestina' by ancient Rome (after Israel's defeated enemies the 'Philistines' and recently rehashed into a place called 'Palestine') are fundamentally being used to destabilise and divide the world, especially the Western world. It's very difficult to not take sides, but they want and need us to take sides, to divide us, like they're doing with the race-wars they've created all over the world by funding movements like BLM (Black Lives Matter.) In my opinion, it's not right to hate on the innocent Israelis and Jewish people caught up in this snare, or the innocent and falsely called Palestinians who have been placed there and propped-up to be their agitators and are actually mostly non Arabic Egyptians and Arabic Jordanians, Syrians and Lebanese. I try, as hard as it may be, to stay neutral and instead expose the agenda at work that's going on behind the scenes and seek the truth as to why it's really happening...
The Globalist Cabal have purposely placed them all together in the powder keg that is the land of Judea and Samaria. The truth is, neither should be there! They've all been deceived, we all have, and this is exactly what they who created Israel desire i.e. the Globalist Cabal who are: the Descendants of Cain, Royal Dragon Bloodlines, Jesuits, Luciferian Freemasons and the Khazarian Rothschild who funded its creation. WW2 was ultimately orchestrated for this event to happen - for modern-day Israel to be established, and Hitler was a bastard son of the Rothschild who played his role very very well! True story...nothing is what it seems 🙃
This land is special, important, it is reserved for a future time and for a set-apart, righteous and humble people, not for the Globalists to use for their dark schemes. It's been purposely made into a snare, a progressive, secular, multi-cult state that allows the practice of multiple corrupt and human-driven religions contrary to our Creator's will and moral Commandments. It allows for idolators who bow-down to false prophets, false doctrines and lies, and cultures that follow after traditions of men. It's also a progressively liberal society that embraces the abominations of the world. Modern-day Israel is just like the West. It has the appearance of a 'Free' and 'Democratic' state on the outside, but is actually 'Satanic' and 'Dark' on the inside...
Ever since the wicked, child-sacrificing and cannibalistic 'Canaanites' were destroyed and expelled from the land by 'Divine Decree' through the ancient Israelites the land has been promised to and has always been reserved for a people who truly know and experience YaHuWaH
~ The Almighty
Eternal One ~
Creator of the Heavens and Earth.
A people who have learned to keep His moral and just Commandments. Anyone who takes this land against the will of YaHuWaH will not prosper, or remain for long, even if they're funded and propped-up by the wealthy like the fake-Jew Khazar Rothschild, or have taken the land by means of war and conquest like the Islamic warlord Mohammed. This has been clearly proven many times throughout history, and will be proven again in the near future. In the examples within the Bible which have been proven by historical events and facts, when the Israelites strayed from keeping the Almighty's Commandments and became immoral they too were judged and expelled. Those events are known as the 'Diasporas' and 'Captivities'. There are dire prophecies yet to come to pass for the modern-day nation of Israel. This is because it shouldn't exist in its current state and be led by its current leaders. In fact, no-one has the right to dwell in the land at present according to prophecy. In the prophecies regarding the time when YaHuWaH brings the righteous remnant back, the whole Earth will see He is true and just and the nations will worship and love Him. What's happening right now is a 'Counterfeit' of Divine prophecy and it won't end well.
Everything is orchestrated and purposely done at present so that a fake religious war is created and that the liberal/progressive peoples of the political left aka the Socialists, Marxists & Communists and the Fascists &
Neo-Nazis become radicalised, emboldened and start siding with the Islamists (which is already happening in 2024) hating on, attacking and killing Israelis, Jewish people and eventually Christians, Conservatives and the rest of the peoples of the West who do not agree with them. This will destabilise the West. Religion is really not the cause here, it's simply tribal and political manipulation with a huge amount of Globalist propaganda mixed in, Just search for Pallywood on social media 🎬
Although there are real civilian casualties on both sides there's this odd infatuation by the 'Mainstream Media' and 'NGOs' that collude with the 'UN', 'Governments' and 'Politicians' all over the world to ensure that the public are focussed on just one thing, and that is how Israel is stealing land, creating apartheid, colonising, and the latest buzzword, committing 'Genocide' against the Palestinian people 🧐
The bias and hypocrisy is incredible! Because around 377,000 civilians have been killed, 11,000 children have been either killed, or maimed, and 85,000 children have starved to death (and many continue to starve) in Yemen over recent years. Thousands of Kurds have been killed by the Turks in Syria and Iraq, and continue to be. 62,000 Nigerian Christians have been killed over recent years by Islamic extremists who are also torturing and killing thousands of Hindus in Bangladesh as I write this. Ukraine is systematically culling its entire male population in the war it started against Russia, and I could go on...
There's no outrage, no protests, no UN speeches, ICC court cases, or constant MSM pieces being pushed in everyone's faces. No left-winger liberals with their bleeding-hearts calling any of these out.
Because they're not useful for the narrative and agenda at work behind the scenes. Only Israel vs Palestine is. This is why we have so much propaganda regarding this ongoing situation. On saying that, let's be realistic about another thing. Israel is a tiny piece of land in the Middle-East. Israelis are accused of being 'Colonisers' by Islamists and their leftist allies. I find this accusation hilariously hypocritical when you consider how Arabs, who are indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle-East, have colonised large portions of North & East Africa, South-East Asia, taken-over Pakistan and Turkey, and are now in the process of taking-over Bangladesh, while slowly, but gradually colonising many Western countries through mass-migration and their very high birth-rates thanks to their polygamous culture 🤨
The Globalists are playing us all. Israel was supposed to be a 'safe-haven' for Israelis & Jews but look at it. It's a snare! An endless cycle of false-flag wars and manufactured hate where both sides are being played like little chess pieces. The Globalists are using Israel while mocking and mimicking the future prophecy and promises of the Almighty YaHuWaH, but, as Israel influences the Middle-East via the 'Abrahamic Accord' and the dismantling of some of the surrounding radical Islamic terrorist groups, it's also inadvertently liberating a number of nearby countries from their oppressive radical Islamist rulers, whilst simultaneously and ironically, once very Christian, but now very lawless & liberal Western countries are steadily becoming part of a new 'Islamic Caliphate.' This is all by design but will be inadvertently and ultimately used for
~ Divine Judgement ~
These judgements are plainly laid out in Deuteronomy 28, in numerous other Biblical Prophecies and are illustrated throughout human history with the rises and falls of empires, and nations overtaking nations. At present the counterfeit Jews aka the 'Edomites', 'Babylonian Talmudists' and 'Khazars' along with their allies the 'Jesuits', 'Royal Dragon Bloodlines' & 'Luciferian Freemasons' (as a group they're known as the Globalist Cabal) are in full control of the modern-day state of Israel. These groups of powerful and blue-blooded half-breeds are the descendants of Cain who have, with the influence of their Fallen-Angel masters, always kept control over numerous influential nations, kingdoms and empires ever since the time of Cain. The people who run world events behind the scenes and their puppets such as presidents and politicians are all related and are of the bloodline of Cain, Nimrod and the Egyptian Pharaohs (they like to keep power in the family.) Moreover, they are the Nephilim - Fallen-Angel/Human Hybrids! 👽 This is why we see their occult symbolism everywhere such as the Egyptian obelisks in Washington DC, London and the Vatican and a pyramid with the all seeing eye of Horus in the Knesset in Israel. Make no mistake, these are not simply decorative, or commemorative symbols, they are Occult, Satanic, and Luciferian symbols of power and domination.
I believe in Biblical Prophecy and their promises and the modern state of Israel is in no way the one that's promised to be reinstated in the future by the Almighty YaHuWaH, for His nation will be one that will most definitely not allow for the existence of another 'Sodom & Gomorrah' - the sexually immoral society of Tel Aviv with their huge depraved annual parades, the cutting-edge Trans surgery clinics that experiment on and butcher mentally challenged people suffering from demons and gender dysphoria, or the practice of abortion which is modern-day child sacrifice and simply legalised murder. Nor would He allow for secularism and the multiple conflicting and idolatrous belief systems to flourish within His gates. He would not reinstate a new 'Promised Land' rife with abominations that trample upon His Divine Commandments. It's simple to see and quite obvious as they are contrary to His moral and just nature and totally negate the Divinely inspired scriptures which are constantly ignored to the detriment of the people. The prophecies of His future nation of Israel start during a time of worldwide upheaval which is, I believe in the near future, and in that moment an event so incredible will happen that it will be seen by everyone on Earth and that will be the Almighty bringing His remnant, the righteous ones back to the land, personally. I imagine 'Heavenly and Divine Chariots' will grace the skies and the whole world will notice and be in absolute awe!
This is illustrated in some of the set-apart scriptures especially the amazingly prophetic and Divinely inspired Book of the 'Prophet Jeremiah' specifically in Chapter 23, and then in verse 3 "I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number." A second witness to this Prophecy is in 'Ezekiel 34.' It's also prophesied in the 'Book of Revelation' as the time of the return of Yahshua the Messiah (wrongly named as Jesus the Christ - see website above about the true names for clarity) and His army of Angels that bring about the governing of the true nation of Israel for He is the branch from the lineage of David that's set to rule over the tribes of Judah & Israel, bringing them together as one and as prophesied many times. Yahshua is truly resurrected and alive! I don't know if He will be back physically, spiritually or even in a new form! All I do know is that He is busy at work helping to set people free from the darkness and preparing for this very moment. It's sad that so many people think it's all just a fable or fantasy! 🫤 I've met Him. As unbelievable as it sounds He visited me in His bliss-filled spirit in 2009 when I was suicidal, and He told me after He delivered me from a demon that I had unwittingly invited into my life - "I have to go now as there is much work to be done"
(see my testimony video linked above for more detail.)
The Biblical history of ancient Israel illustrates that at times, some of the leaders and/or prominent figures of Israel were actually snakes, imposters who infiltrated and deceived the people to try and take them away from their Creator and His righteous, moral and life preserving Commandments. As already mentioned above, there are groups of people who claim to be of Israeli/Jewish descent, or heritage, but are not. Of course, knowing that the Almighty YaHuWaH chose the Israelites to reveal Himself to the world through, the Fallen-Angels have infiltrated their bloodline, which first started with the Edomites (see family-tree diagram in the gallery above.)
The 'Babylonian Talmud' is one of these imposters' influences and creation. It's not Israeli or Jewish yet it's influence continues to this day and it's the most authoritative of Talmudic writings. It's been placed, along with the 'Jerusalem Talmud' and a number of other writings, into a collection of books universally known as 'The Talmud'.
These writings are essentially discussions by various so-called 'Sages' and 'Rabbis' throughout ancient Israeli history regarding the Almighty's Words, Commandments/ Laws in the Torah and how they should be understood and applied. They also discuss the words and prophecies of various important figures in the scriptures. According to most fundamentalist Jews the Talmud is deemed a necessary work of literature because the Almighty YaHuWaH's Commandments are too difficult to understand without this special interpretation. I vehemently disagree with that conclusion. For it is written in 'Deuteronomy 30:11-14'
"For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say ‘Who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it."
This is the Almighty YaHuWaH speaking to the Israelites through Moses at the time He made the 'Everlasting Covenant' with them and imparted the original Torah and His moral Commandments contained within. What the Talmud actually does is turn these easy to understand Commandments into an endless list of burdens, rules andhypocrisies.
Various scholars and people agree that a number of writings in the Talmud are actually Satanic and immoral. Defenders of the Talmud say that they're not translated properly, taken out of context and are just misunderstood.
After my research I feel both sides have a point however, that is the problem. For example, if one was to research a part of the Talmud called 'Ketubot: 11b' and uses the world renowned Talmudic website 'Chabad', they would see what I mean! What I find the most disturbing, however this verse gets defended, is the total lack of punishments for the perpetrators of child sexual abuse. In my opinion, the Talmud is not unlike Islamic Sharia law in parts. Of course there are positive writings in the Talmud as there are in the Quran, but they only aim to serve one purpose and that is to deceive and control, to change and supplant our Creator's Words. All religious texts are designed to test humans, but only the Creator's original Torah, the words of His true Prophets and the Messiah Yahshua contain the righteous, universal and eternal Commandments, Statutes and Judgements of the
~ Almighty YaHuWaH ~
I recommend doing a personal study on the controversial parts of the Talmud and come to your own conclusion.
In my opinion, the greatest problem with the Talmud is how it's being used. It's been given this power and superiority within Judaism for thousands of years now, and of course, that was the plan all along. It was first introduced as the 'Oral Law' which subtly supplanted the Torah, put a burden on the people and took them away from the Truth, the spiritual essence and core of the moral Commandments in the Torah. This is what Yahshua the Messiah exposed see - Matthew 23 & Mark 7.
He openly disobeyed the Talmudists' oral laws as recorded in John 5 & Matthew 12 for example. He called out their hypocrisies, cruel dealings towards people and unjust rules that were nothing to do with His Father's instructions, aka the Torah, as recorded in Matthew 23 & Mark 12.
Moreover, He called these imposters "Snakes", "A Brood of Vipers" and said to them "You belong to your father the devil" - Matthew 23:33 & John 8:44. Later in the Book of Revelation He states that they are not real Jews and are of the "Synagogue of Satan!" 🐍
Revelation 2:9 & Revelation 3:9.
To this day these Talmudic oral laws rule over Judaism like a big, dark cloud. Shabbats (Sabbath days) are a mix of mental gymnastics, burdens and hypocrisies. A friend of mine relayed a story to me of a time they went to Israel and during a Shabbat they were called in the street by a Jewish man to help them turn-on his generator for the electric as it had gone-off and they weren't allowed (according to the Talmud) to press the button and turn it back on! On Shabbats, cookers and lifts and various other appliances are left on automatically and continuously so that no 'forbidden' laws are broken when a button is pressed! These are just some of the lesser problematic and totally unnecessary examples of what happens when people misapply, add-to, or take-away from the Almighty's simple, authentic and original Word - "You shall not work." The hundreds of rules added through the Talmud are simply dogmatic burdens. Unfortunately, just as in the time of Yahshua, most Jewish people who practice Judaism today are still under the influence and control of the Talmudists.
As Yahshua the Messiah boldly stated when rebuking the Pharisees 2000 years ago - "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" Mark 2:27.
These imposters who called themselves Sages and Rabbis infiltrated the Priesthood, Judges and Scribes of Israel. They corrupted them and later had their Scribes add Pagan rituals and endless, daily animal sacrifices to the Torah. They put heavy burdens on the people and made it so that the Priesthood would be the only route to the Creator and the forgiveness of sins, thus, the Pagan animal blood sacrifice business in Israel flourished. The same bloody business the Messiah called out as unnecessary and undesirable in Matthew 9:13 & Matthew 12:7. He was quoting the Words of His Heavenly Father as spoken through the Prophet Hosea 6:6 "For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings." He also left us His only example and act of His righteous anger where He's recorded as kicking-over the seats of the animal sellers, the tables of the money lenders and then He drove them out of the Temple with a whip! - Matthew 21 & John 2. Interesting that the only times we can connect Yahshua's words and actions to sacrifices they are negative examples 🤨
A 4th Century AD Bishop called 'Epiphanius of Salamis' wrote down some of the beliefs of the 'Ebionites' and other groups of early believers in the Messiah that hadn't accepted the Romanised, Marcionist and Paulinist corruption of the Gospel. In his document called the 'The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis' in verse 16:5 he wrote of them including an apparent quote from Yahshua - "As their so-called Gospel says "I came to abolish the sacrifices, and if you cease not from sacrifice, wrath will not cease from you." In the book called 'The Ascents of James' (mentioned more about later) it's written that the Israelites desired to sacrifice animals to idols so much, due to their ingrained influences and lusts inherited from the Pagans of Egypt, that it was temporarily permitted for them due to their stubbornness, but only in one specific place and only to YaHuWaH. This was, according to this document, allowed on the basis that if they chose to continue on this path, they were to eventually be taught a very harsh lesson: that animal sacrifices were immoral, undesirable and ineffective. The people would also misuse and abuse this totally unnecessary and Pagan system. They would only bring curses and calamities upon their society and would be exposed and ended through the Prophets and ultimately the Messiah, Yahshua. History and scripture prove that those who thrived and relied on this sacrificial system were a continuous failure. They were cursed, raided, plundered, conquered and enslaved. If we read the words of many of the Prophets in the Bible and look at the history of Israel & Judah, we can see these warnings and promises fully transpire. I find these non-Biblical historical documents above truly interesting!
There are numerous verses in the scriptures that express the same message: that our Creator did not command the people to do animal sacrifices and burnt offerings - Jeremiah 7:22. It was never His desire, or a requirement - Psalm 51:16, Micah 6:6-8, Psalm 40:6-8 & Isaiah 66 etc.. These are just a few examples and they prove that mercy, contriteness and repentance are what our Creator desires and requires from us, not animal or human sacrifice, blood-letting and sprinkling, pulling out entrails, snipping off turtle dove's heads and draining the blood on the altar wall or making burnt offerings to Him...
The Priesthood certainly got rich and powerful from all these cuts of meat! They were also given gold, silver, money and various other lucrative donations. The total number of sacrifices added into scripture later in time by the lying Scribes (see Jeremiah 8:8) was: 70 bulls, 14 rams and 98 male lambs! For 'Passover' and 'Unleavened Bread' they added verses instructing that each house that had the stock must sacrifice two bulls, one ram and seven male lambs for EACH DAY of the holiday! Imagine the blood and mess! It even sounds like certain elements of some of the 'Islamic' sects.
The Almighty YaHuWaH is in no way the same as the Pagan moon-god idol worshipped in Islam. Islam was conjured-up by Rome who conspired to gather the fractured 'Ishmaelites' (Arabs) into one place and form a huge army of mercenaries from them to do their dirty bidding against the Orthodox, Messianic and Apostolic Christians and the Israelis and Jews who rebelled against the Vatican's power and tyranny at that time. This army was purposely made to be a religiously savage one, hence the numerous verses in the 'Quran' about killing Christians, Jews and anyone who doesn't submit to Islam.
It's worth noting here that at times Islam and other religions, tribes and nations throughout history have been (and will continue to be) inadvertently used by the descendants of Cain to carry-out the will of the Almighty YaHuWaH by punishing and chastising other religions, tribes and nations who trample on their God given blessings and become immoral and wicked. This is happening to the West right now...
Anyway back to Rome and Islam.
Rome also wanted the Ishmaelites for another important mission and later used their easily controlled army of Islamic mercenaries to conquer Jerusalem which was ruled by Byzantine Christians, another enemy of Rome, but after the 'Crusades' Rome eventually lost control of their army of Islamists. This is the hidden history of Islam. It can easily be found by researching the works of 'Professor Walter Veith' & 'Alberto Rivera.'
There are also many similarities between Roman Catholicism and Islam (i.e. abnormal reverence and idolatry of Miriam/Mary, the usage of hijabs/veils & cassocks/jellabias garments, the squatting or kneeling/bowing during prayers and the rather lengthy fast durations.) Prior to Rome's manipulation and control of the Ishmaelites/Arabs they were a very fractured people who worshipped numerous idols as we can see in various historical references. In 'Psalm 83' we also read that the Ishmaelites were worshipping idols and not the Almighty YaHuWaH. In the 'Book of Genesis' we see the introduction of Ishmael who was the bastard son of Abraham and his Egyptian slave Hagar. This child wasn't the one promised by YaHuWaH, Isaac was, but Abraham disobeyed the command of YaHuWaH due to his wife Sarah's doubt of conception and so he slept with Hagar which produced Ishmael. Even though Ishmael wasn't born out of the Almighty's will for Abraham, YaHuWaH still blessed Ishmael and gave him and his offspring the lucrative land of 'Arabia.' In Genesis 16:12 we are prophetically told by the Almighty YaHuWaH that Ishmael "will be a wild donkey of a man, and his hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand against him; he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”
Historically Arabs have fulfilled and continue to fulfil this prophecy to a tee! With their harsh and even deadly attitudes towards 'Infidels' (non-Muslims) and the constant in-fighting between their different sects. Through Rome's creation of what we now call Islam, the numerous blood-cults of the Ishmaelites were amalgamated. When the Roman Scribes wrote the Quran with Mohammed (who they procured and chose to lead the army) parts of the Torah were copied and altered. One such alteration was that of YaHuWaH giving the promise of the land of Israel and all of its blessings to Ishmael and not Isaac - Quran verse 37:99-109.
The worst corruption in my opinion however, was to try and make the Almighty YaHuWaH the same as the deity of Islam, Allah 😖
On saying that, I have started to believe, or let's call it a hunch, that YaHuWaH didn't even ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and it's one of those verses added in by the 'lying Scribes' to empower their movement and exert control over Israel and Judah (see the two books about the Bible mentioned at the top of this page for further research.) It's interesting to note that in all of the verses leading up to the moment Abraham was about to plunge the knife into Isaac, the being telling Abraham to do all of this is mentioned only as 'Elohim' which mechanically translates as 'Mighty One' but can also be used for (plural) rulers, judges, divine ones, angels (even fallen), gods, and (plural intensive - singular meaning) god, goddess, godlike one, works or special possessions of God, the (true) God. Then, the moment Abraham is about to carry-out the act of human sacrifice it is written that 'YaHuWaH Elohim' is the being that abruptly stops him. 'YaHuWaH' which translates as - He is, was, will be i.e. He who is Eternal, and Elohim, thus translating as 'The Almighty Eternal One' in contemporary English. I find this rather interesting too. I believe a lot of translations are done badly, or are corrupted to deceive.
There are many other interesting and curious changes in the subjects and names of what seem to be speaking about 'God' during particular events throughout the Torah, and the book I mention above called 'Who Wrote the Bible' touches on exactly why this may be. I find it inconceivable and very concerning that all of this Pagan idol blood-cult, death-cult and dark behaviour is attributed to our Creator, who is a Creator of love, mercy, righteousness and justice. Especially as there are countless verses that illustrate how He is against such Pagan practices. This causes contradictions. Atheists and others use these verses of animal and human sacrifices in the Bible to point-out evil attributes in YaHuWaH's character. This is not of His will or nature. This is Pagan, Satanic and dark.
There are also various verses that are used to try and paint YaHuWaH as some immoral, sadistic God. These are typically the verses where He instructs the Israelites to commit genocides against certain tribes, such as the Canaanites & Amalekites, yup, evil and immoral tribes who were sacrificing their children to idols! Archaeology has proven they did these evil deeds! Another example people use to attack His character is in 'Numbers 31:18.' The Almighty YaHuWaH had ordered the Israelites to wipe-out all of the Midianites because they were also doing evil deeds such as child sacrifice and had led the Israelites astray. Moses became very angry that the Israelites had let the women live because they too were guilty of seducing the Israelites into Satanic idol worship, child sacrifice and immorality, so, Moses (not YaHuWaH) ordered that all the women be killed, but any virgins who had not become tainted by the Midianite men (through sexual contact and could possibly be pregnant) and partook in their abominations were spared, taken as wives and absorbed into Hebrew society. The Hebrew scripture does not say 'Women Children' as many translations erroneously portray. It simply expresses that they were 'Virgins'. Moses actually showed compassion by sparing them as they would have most certainly died with the rest of their tribe.
The whole purpose of the genocides including the 'Great Flood' commanded by the Almighty YaHuWaH in the Torah was to 'Purge' the Earth of evil. That is the true nature of our Creator. Yes, it sounds harsh and there are verses in scripture that are difficult to read, or understand, although when reading properly they are because of immoral and evil human behaviour, or were to teach the ancient and what we would call primitive people how to live honourably, hygienically, morally, and imagine dealing with us humans and our continuously bad, even evil choices!
He always wants what's best for humanity and for us to choose good over evil...
When He created humans He originally made us to eat a plant-based diet (vegan or possibly even vegetarian) which is obvious when reading Genesis Chapter 1 & 2 properly. We also see in Exodus 16 & Numbers 11 that the Israelites lusted after meat in the wilderness after being saved from captivity in Egypt. Even though the Almighty YaHuWaH provided constant nourishment in the form of 'Heavenly Manna' the people groaned and wished they were still slaves back in Egypt! Incredible! YaHuWaH was trying to help the people overcome their lust for 'meat eating', but they wouldn't relent, so, He rained-down quail upon them, warned they would be sick from eating meat and later inflicted them with a plague for their failure to do what is right and obey His instructions. He knows what's best for us and eating meat is not a good thing for humans (or animals!) It's totally unnecessary for our diet and sustenance, a typically cruel and inhumane industry and is obviously unhealthy. Meat eating has been proven to greatly increase the risk of bowel cancer and heart disease! In the 'Clementine' documents (mentioned later) Peter writes that demons attach themselves to humans through gluttonous meat eating, among other bad habits. The demons then proceed to cause sickness and disease in their hosts.
Back to Genesis. Only after the flood do we see a change from the original vegan/vegetarian diet for humans and the reason for this change varies with different perspectives and interpretations of the scripture and as usual is down to the reader to discern. It's entirely plausible that our Creator, beingomniscient, reluctantly allowed for humans to eat meat after the flood, knowing that they would succumb to the dark desire of killing animals and eating their flesh, and so later gave Moses the knowledge of what animals are safer to eat than others, even though it was against His will. I personally call it a dark desire because even though I still eat a bit of chicken at present, I killed one to eat many years ago while I travelled around Asia, and it wasn't a pleasant experience to say the least 😔
Regardless of the reason for the change it's very clear that it's not our Creator's original design for humans, or His desire that we kill animals and eat them, therefore, I believe that slaughtering thousands of them every year in His Name, so that the people could forgiven for sins is also not His desire and has been added by the wicked ones...
These snakes sought to control the people, deceive them and take them away from their Creator, see - 'The Book of Jeremiah' for a rundown on this but especially 7:22 & 8:8. Also the books I mentioned above go into great detail about this. The one called 'Shifting the Torah Paradigm' explores in a well explained and thorough way three different possibilities as to why animal and a human sacrifice have been allowed into the whole theme of the Bible by our Creator. The third reasoning is the one I have embraced over recent years (I also believed this prior to reading the book) which is that He allows the corruption to test us and it seems, at times and to a certain degree, He bends to the people's 'stubbornness' but that bending usually comes with a harsh and consequential lesson. We can seek forgiveness and redemption through sincere repentance and change, or we can seek it by not changing and simply believing that something, or someone else has paid for all our transgressions.
Which belief system do you think is more popular?
The other book 'Who Wrote the Bible' is another amazing work which appears to prove that a later pen rewrote, redacted and added new parts to the original Torah which just so happened to be around the time of Jeremiah and the Babylonian exile...hmm!
The same time that the months of the Hebrews were changed from numbers into names of Pagan idols and the detrimental changes in time reckoning such as altering YaHuWaH's amazing and precise calendar and changing when the day starts from morning as it should be, to in the evening, just like the Pagans were doing 🤨 At the same time the Pagan theme of 'sacrifice' and 'blood' to forgive sins superseded the truth (as it was the easy choice) as did the power and influence of the corrupt Priesthood and this system proceeded to influence the corruption within the 'New Testament.' The Torah specifically forbids human sacrifice. There are over 16 verses outrightly stating this and numerous passages highlighting the consequences of when people carried out such abominations. It's also very specific about the fact that every person is accountable for their own sins. However, the corrupt Priesthood of Israel and the later unholy Roman empire have given billions of people the choice to believe that the killing of animals or a human, having their blood spilled as a sacrifice and paying the Priests is what connects them to God and pays for and forgives them of all their transgressions...
This is antithetical to the nature and countless proven examples of our Creator's forgiveness due to repentance and trusting in His 'Words' and 'Commands' but He allows it to test us. The deception is a pattern akin to the event in
'The Garden of Eden' 🐍
These snakes are set on tempting us away from, and to not listen to our Creator, to His Prophets, His Son the Messiah, and to our consciences. In the Gospels (as we have them) our Messiah is recorded as mentioning His 'Blood' twice. Once was for the 'Renewed Covenant' not 'New Covenant'. The Scribes and translators have perverted the original texts here because the Covenant made by YaHuWaH with Moses at Mount Sinai as recorded in Deuteronomy, is perpetual, and the Prophets confirmed this.
The 'New Covenant' hasn't taken place yet, which is plain to see when reading the books of Jeremiah & Ezekiel for example. The 'New Covenant' takes place in the future when the joining together happens of the tribes of Israel, who are still scattered across mostly Western nations while some are scattered all over the world, and Judah, who are of course the real (not fake) Jews. They'll be brought together as one in the Messianic & Millennial reign and the whole world comes to believe in, love and worship their Creator, YaHuWaH, which obviously hasn't happened yet! When Yahshua mentioned His blood for the 'Remission of Sin' in Matthew 26:28 it is simply 'Symbolic', and the other time as 'Wine' in John 6:54-56 it is 'Metaphorical'. Remission, in this symbolic context means 'the putting away of' previous sins, not forgiveness of past, present and future sins. His whole message is about repentance, which is 'Teshuva' in Hebrew - a return to His Father, keeping His Commandments and to "sin no more!" otherwise we will perish. He gave His life for that message (that you'll never hear in church btw.) That message is what saves us from ourselves, from our Adversary's tricks, and from destruction. It is 'Faith & Works'. The sinners who believe in Him AND keep His teachings of repentance will find that their past sins have been 'put away.' They will feel a change - a release from the bondage and guilt of their past sins, be healed, renewed and delivered from any demons or unclean spirits they had allowed into their bodies, minds and souls. They will come out of darkness and into light. He laid down His life for this message which helps us overcome our sinful ways.
A 'Human Sacrifice' that pays for everyone's sins as long as you just 'believe' and evoke the 'blood' and 'cross' is, I believe, not what He meant and has been put in the Bible as a choice and test (these are my opinions and beliefs, please seek answers for yourself.) It's a lie. A lie created by Rome through their Scribes and the letters of their agent Saul aka Paul. And just like the corrupt Scribes perverted the scriptures in the Torah at the time of Jeremiah, the Scribes of the Pagan 'Emperor Constantine' perverted the New Testament at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. For example, in the writings of the Prophets, the original parts of the Torah and also in the Messiah's own words, it's proven numerous times that repentance is all that's necessary to be forgiven and YaHuWaH is approachable by all. No blood, no killing, no sacrifices of innocent beings. Even calling upon the mighty Name of YaHuWaH for help suffices because He wants to help and as we draw near to Him, He draws near to us and we change.
This is the God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Prophets and the Messiah. However, another pen has depicted the Almighty as being a 'Blood-Thirsty Deity' that demands constant blood sacrifices and offerings who can only be approached through a Priest 🤨 This is the god of Aaron (Golden Calf incident) his rebellious, jealous (of Moses & Joshua) and power-hungry lineage and the corrupt Priesthood it birthed (again, this is my opinion please seek answers for yourself.) The Kingdom then divided between Israel and Judah (which may have caused the two very contrasting scriptures of the Torah that were later fused together) and the Priesthood maintained the control over the majority of people, much like what the unholy Roman empire did (and still does!) later in time. Then, in the New Testament we have major and endless conflicts and contradictions between the Messiah's teachings and those of Saul aka Paul. There are also many suspicious verses, (i.e. the thief on the cross and other Paulinist influences in the dubious and corrupt Gospel of Luke) anti-Jewish vocabulary in John's Gospel (actually first written by Lazarus but then corrupted by 3 different writers over time) and then numerous added words and translation perversions for example, to promote the false doctrine of the 'Trinity' which is not in the most authentic version of the Gospel of Matthew which is in Hebrew.
There are other various corruptions that even try to make Yahshua out to be God in the flesh! Which He is not. That creates major 'Idolatry.' The first verse in the Gospel of John (Lazurus) has also been twisted and is one of the most regularly used verses to try and make Yahshua, God. In the 'Koine Greek' the meaning of John 1:1 is mistranslated into English as "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." However, the word for the latter mention of 'God' being used here does not pertain to a 'being' but a 'quality' and in this instance it should render as 'Divine' not 'God.' The Greek word 'θεός' (Theos) is a singular predicate noun occurring before the verb and is not preceded by a definite article. This is known as an 'Anarthrous Theos.' It is not used as 'ὁ θεός' that is 'Theos' preceded by the definite article 'ho.' This is an 'Articular Theos.' In other words, an articular construction of the noun which points to an 'Identity', or a 'Personality', whereas a singular anarthrous predicate noun preceding the verb points to a 'Quality' and in this context the 'Word of God' therefore is not Yahshua the Messiah being Himself, God, but rather the 'Divine Words' of YaHuWaH our Creator, manifesting into the world in the life of Yahshua the Messiah. It always bugged me when I read this verse. Something just didn't sit right with me, and now I see why! The same can be said for all the verses that are used to try and paint Yahshua out to be God. They are mistranslated, or even perversions and corruptions of the original texts.
It's also interesting to note that the Messiah's brother James didn't once mention the 'Blood' or the 'Cross' (which are also idols) or allude to his brother as being 'God in the flesh' in his book 'The Book of James', strange huh!? But he did reiterate Yahshua's teachings on mercy, repentance and obeying the Father's Commandments, while blatantly exposing the Roman Saul aka Paul's lies regarding being simply 'saved by one's faith' go figure! Another interesting fact to note is that in Yahshua's entire teachings He never once mentions the word 'Grace' which is rather strange considering that is what everyone's supposed to be getting saved through! Finally in Yahshua's warnings to the churches in the 'Book of Revelation' in Chapter 2 He only mentions that they need to do the 'works' (of repentance) He taught them, to be accounted worthy 🤨
There are also many interesting pieces of 1st and 2nd Century AD works of literature that have been swept under the rug so to speak and should be considered as important pieces of the puzzle that expose the corrupt Roman usurping of the true Gospel. As mentioned earlier 'The Clementine Recognitions & Homilies' and 'The Ascents of James' are the most interesting in my opinion. In Clementine's writings (Clement was a disciple of the Apostle Peter) there is no mention of blood and sacrifice, but there is mention of Yahshua's teachings on repentance and keeping His Father's Commandments, even Peter quoting the Messiah's words in Matthew 5:17-20 is recorded. It's also strange how no quotes of Yahshua are in 1 & 2 Peter in the New Testament (yet Peter was chosen to be the rock of His teachings?) and it's believed by many scholars that 2nd Peter is a forgery. It's a much later pseudonymous writing, attributed to Peter and just so happens to seem to defend Saul aka Paul...hmm! Strange, considering they were obvious enemies as per Paul's own admissions. Clement's writings also mention an enemy of Peter who was twisting his words into lawless doctrines and deceiving the Gentiles. This mirrors the beginning of the 'Book of Acts' pertaining to Saul aka Paul being a liar and a lawless deceiver.
This anti-Paul theme is also conveyed in the book 'The Ascents of James' where it's also written, as mentioned earlier, that James' brother
~ Yahshua the Messiah ~
warned that the animal sacrifices (which he explains were the people's desire not YaHuWaH's) would bring the wrath of His Father upon Israel & Judah if they were not stopped. The people would be greatly punished (by their enemies Rome) and the temple would be destroyed as the abomination that causes desolation is put in place of it. This echoes the Prophet Daniel's prophecy which states that the Messiah will "put an end to the sacrifices" and the abomination of desolation will take place - Daniel 9:27. I find these writings truly eye-opening. The first followers of the Messiah were the Apostles, Disciples and their followers. Some were known as the Ebionites (the poor ones.) They sold all of their possessions and did charity, didn't eat meat, were against the sacrificial system and kept and preached the Almighty's moral Commandments in the Torah. They, along with the other first groups of followers of Yahshua who also kept the Commandments, were hunted down and many were killed by the Romans during the time that Marcionism took over. They were called 'Judaizers' & 'Heretics' (for upholding the Messiah's teachings!) This is the time of the usurping of the Gospel done by Rome in the 2nd Century AD. Marcion was a disciple and champion of the false apostle Paul's lawless teachings. He was the one who coined the term 'Old Testament' which aimed to make the scriptures prior to Yahshua, obsolete, and to profane the Almighty YaHuWaH by proclaiming He was evil. It was through his influence and Paulinist movement that Rome created the 'New Testament' as we know it today. That's exactly why we have 13 books of the 13th (false) apostle Paul in the New Testament and all the other corruptions they added in. We have more words from Paul than the Messiah Himself! And not once does Paul quote the teachings of Yahshua! How strange, considering he proclaimed to have been personally taught by Him for 3 years through a 'Spiritual Revelation.'
There isn't one original manuscript in the New Testament either. All of the originals were destroyed by Rome so that they could pervert them for their new Paganised religion of a human blood sacrifice that pays for all sins and a Priesthood that can absolve everyone who bows and tithes to them. After much research, prayer and discernment, I fully believe that any and all verses, words, stories and teachings within the New Testament that lead the reader to consider/believe that Yahshua the Messiah is a human sacrifice that pays for all our sins, that He is God in the flesh who came down to die for us because we couldn't keep His Commandments, or that He's a part of the 3 god in 1 trinity, that animal sacrifices for sins were the foreshadow of the Messiah's human sacrifice, that Saul aka Paul was a true Apostle and that his doctrines of being saved by faith through grace, along with the annulment of the Almighty's moral Commandments also known as the Law or Torah & Prophets in the New Testament, have all been added in to deceive and ultimately give us a choice. It's a test. Our Creator has permitted it, and I believe, for good reason. It tests the heart and sifts the wheat from the tares...
There are also verses in the Torah/Tanakh that have been misapplied as being prophecies about Yahshua the Messiah. Sometimes, I believe it's just from an honest mistake, or a zealous desire for it to be about Yahshua, other times it's simply out of deception. We are made to believe that Abel was favoured by our Creator over Cain because he 'sacrificed the firstborn of his flock' as his offering, but this is untrue. This is then used to support the idea that our Creator desires and requires animal and the human sacrifice of Yahshua for us to be forgiven and redeemed, as taught in Judaism and Christianity. However, the verse in 'Genesis 4:4' doesn't mention or allude to such a thing. The translators and commentators have simply twisted the words and/or meaning. The pure Hebrew only states that Abel brought the fattest/best of his flock to present to YaHuWaH, nothing is mentioned about killing, slaughtering or sacrificing! Abel was a shepherd, so he obviously brought animals as a gift, but most importantly, he did it with a sincere intention and pure heart, unlike Cain, who's heart was wicked and intent was insincere.
Another twisted scripture is about the 'Suffering Servant' in Isaiah 53 which is used to prop-up the belief in the human sacrifice for everyone's sins in the form of Yahshua the Messiah, but it's actually about the young 'King Jehoiachin' who was taken into captivity along with Israel and suffered terribly until he was exalted and esteemed. It's also not about a human blood sacrifice. Isaiah 7 is a chapter that's misused also. It's the one of a child that was born to a 'Virgin' but it actually states 'Almah' in Hebrew which means 'Young Maiden' and it pertained to King Ahaz's wife and their promised child for that particular moment in time. 'Emmanuel' which means 'God with us' has been twisted to make Yahshua into God. This is not what it means. I could go on as there are many more examples, but I will state for the record that I do believe that certain, previous inspired scripture and prophecy that were about other people and not directly about Yahshua can also be seen as a pattern and even fulfilment of His life, ministry and His Father's will. These can be called 'Dual/Double Prophecies.' I'm unsure if Yahshua was born of the virgin known as Miriam/Mary, this could actually be added for the deception of making Yahshua out to be God or Divine, which on the whole has been detrimental to Christianity as it causes major idolatry and a lack of reverence and obedience to the will of His 'Heavenly Father' our
~ Creator ~
and His moral and just Commandments. The Ebionites didn't believe in the virgin birth and James never mentioned it either. Additionally, virgin births of 'Saviours' who are 'Sacrificed' and were born on 'December 25th' at the end of the 'Winter Solstice' are very common in Pagan religions. I believe, along with the corruption of the true Gospel and scriptures, that when Rome added their Pagan festivals and traditions into Christianity such as Christmas and Easter, and changed the Sabbath from the 7th day - Saturday, to the 1st day - Sunday, they also added other Pagan elements. Maybe the virgin birth also. It's certainly possible Mary was a virgin and Yahshua was Divinely conceived, however, it would in my opinion, seem more plausible and inline with His nature that our Creator would want a normal human being to be our example and bring about His Kingdom on Earth, to prove it is possible, and not out of any human ability or reach, to do what's right in His eyes. I fully believe Yahshua's mission was to bring us the message of 'Truth' & 'Salvation' and that He did suffer to bring us it, died and was resurrected. It's even in His Hebrew name which means 'YaHuWaH is Salvation/Saves'. It's the Almighty YaHuWaH that is our salvation and He sent us Yahshua who acknowledged YaHuWaH to be His 'Heavenly Father' many times and Himself to be 'The Son of God' as recorded in Matthew 26:63-64, just as 'King David' acknowledged YaHuWaH to be his Father in Psalm 89:26-28 and YaHuWaH calls David His Son - Psalm 2:7. Yahshua indeed brought us truth and our redemption through belief in Him, and following Him by keeping His teachings.
To me, His message of 'Repentance' and 'Obedience' to the Almighty YaHuWaH's Commandments is what saves us. However, this is not the mainstream opinion, or dogmatic doctrine created by Rome. I can also see how, along with the animal sacrifices and many other perversions of Divine truth, like the removal of the Almighty's 'Set-Apart Name' around 7000 times, which is a travesty! that the snakes have greatly deceived the masses over thousands of years! This is how they work. They are masters at deception. Now some may ask "why would our Creator allow all of this?" Well, because this is exactly how we are tested. He doesn't spoon-feed us and the test is subtle: we are given choices, and those choices always test our ❤️
He didn't make us as robots, but gave us free-will and choices. He allows false prophets to rise up to test us, (Deuteronomy 13 & 18) false teachers to promote them and corrupt writings to perpetuate the test, for people to have a choice. Just as the deception in Eden was subtle, the deceptions in the Bible are subtle. These choices that our Creator allows, are set to test our hearts. It's plain to see when reading the New Testament that there are two choices for what is called 'Salvation.' One is the easy choice: "I'm a true Apostle, I'm not lying! You are saved by your faith through grace and you don't need to make any efforts or keep any commandments, laws or rules because all of your sins, past, present and future have been paid for. Any efforts you personally make are worthless, so just believe on the cross and the blood. He knows your heart, you're a sinner."
The second is: "Repent from your bad ways and wickedness, or be cursed and cast into the lake of fire! Now go and sin no more! Whoever practices sin is of the evil one. Love God with all your heart, mind and soul. I came in His Name and exalted His Name, so Seek Him, seek His righteousness and keep His Commandments so that you can be set-free from your chains and enter into life, and life eternal." One of these messages leads us astray, and into destruction.
Guess which one is the most popular...
Some Christians would say I'm a heretic and will burn in hell as I don't believe in the Messiah being a human blood sacrifice that pays for all my sins. The thing is, He never taught such a thing as redemption and salvation coming from believing in someone else, Himself in this instance, being punished and killed for my bad ways. And that any efforts I personally make will just not work and have never worked. Just the belief, the faith in a human blood sacrifice is all that's necessary. He did however, teach that we must repent and keep His Father's Commandments because they show us what sin is and how to avoid it, to forgive others and be merciful, compassionate and humble if we want to be forgiven and redeemed. That we must work at being released from the bondage of our sins, to sin no more, be made whole again so that we will be accounted worthy at the judgement of our souls, and be saved...
Go figure! 🧐
I believe our Creator loves us deeply and is very interested and invested in what we do with our 'Free-Will.' He always wants what is best for us like a loving Father does, and goes to great lengths to try and help us choose what's right. Conversely, we have an Adversary who hates us, always tries to deceive us and take us away from His love, to corrupt us and win us over to the darkness...
These subtle deceptions that test us happen to all nations and peoples on Earth at varying times and eras however, let's get back to the Hebrew Israelites. These people were chosen to be set-apart, for the Almighty and His just ways to be revealed through. That is what an Israelite means - 'One who wrestles with God.' This is not always a positive thing for them which is evident by numerous scriptural and historical examples. It is what some use to boast, and others to mock, but ultimately they have been chosen, chosen to be the people whom the Almighty YaHuWaH reveals Himself to the world through. As many anti-Israeli/Jewish people point out on social media, historically they have been kicked out of 109 countries. This was always due to one of three reasons:
Firstly, the Israeli/Jewish people had prospered so well in other countries that the indigenous people simply hated them and they eventually left. Secondly, the fake Israelis/Jews caused people to hate the entire community by installing usury banking with high interest rates, (thanks to Rothschild and his ilk and which is against the Commandments) normalising perversions in society, or were exposed doing dark deeds. Thirdly, they had as a people failed to keep the Commandments, fell into idolatry and immorality and were chastised by the Almighty. The reality now is that history is repeating albeit this time the snakes have created a counterfeit nation of Israel to lure the Israeli and Jewish people into a snare and use them to divide and deceive the whole world, but it will eventually backfire on them when the time comes. It's totally understandable that Israeli and Jewish people would want their own homeland also and the Globalists have counted on that desire since WW2 so they can continue with their dark schemes. I pray that they, and all peoples, come to know YaHuWaH and peace reigns. It will come when the time comes. I will continue to stand against the lies and deceptions and I'll always support the will of the Almighty YaHuWaH (which is constantly ignored, or misunderstood.) I'm passionate about seeking out and sharing these powerful truths to anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see. To the lost sheep, the true Israel, who are the lost tribes scattered around the world that still don't know their true identities, and to the true Jewish people from the tribe of Judah who have been snared once more by the sly and subtle descendants of Cain that are presently trying to cause the whole world to hate and destroy them...
Just look at history: Ever since the true Israelites were taken into captivity in 597 BC by the Babylonians there have been imposters using their identity for various nefarious reasons. It started with the 'Edomites' who moved into the land of Judea during that time when the land was uninhabited due to the captivity. They went on to become powerful Kings such as the wicked Herod and prominent leaders of the Pharisees who later merged with the 'Babylonian Talmudists' which the Messiah exposed and called them out for being:
"Jews who are not Jews"
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9
These imposters (that had Yahshua murdered) who later merged with a Turkic tribe known as the 'Khazarians' (e.g. Rothschild) in the 8th Century AD hide behind the true Hebrew people and their identity, subtly masquerading as them while controlling many (but not all) of their communities through their influential and perverted Talmudic institutions such as 'Chabad' thus making the world point their fingers at those who they hide behind...
It's a clever deflection tactic! Along with the 'Jesuits', 'Royal Dragon Bloodlines' aka 'Monarchies' and large network of 'Luciferian Freemasons' they hold much influence over the world's governments and they own most of the media outlets, banks, corporations and powerful NGOs.
This very powerful group of rulers of nations are inadvertently being used to bring 'Divine Judgement' to the world much like the numerous times the nation of Israel was judged in the 'Book of Genesis.' This is known as the 'Seed Wars.' Where we also see Israel and the surrounding tribes being placed into captivity throughout Biblical history due to the people embracing
immorality & lawlessness. This is one of the roles of the descendants of Cain: to inadvertently enact the necessary Divine Judgements upon a wicked generation to humble them so they turn back to the light. Most people do not know this and totally misunderstand history. This is how we humans are tested to either choose good, or evil. When people choose darkness over light our Creator then puts into motion a process to try and rescue us from our mistakes. If we don't change then we will experience His wrath. The Nephilim bloodlines who rule over the nations don't escape the Almighty's wrath either if they don't repent, as they are also under the
Divine Judgements....
In the Book of Revelation we read the prophecy of the 'Beast' turning on the 'Harlot' that rides upon it. This portrays the 'New World Order' destroying the 'Old World Order.' The Vatican Harlot and all world religions and its influences will be overtaken by the 'New-Age Beast System' that's slowly taking shape behind the scenes. The whole world is turning on the old order and is being primed to accept the new. This is part of the Beast rising-up to destroy the Harlot in Revelation 17:16. However, the Beast system which will be presented as an 'Age of Enlightenment' will be a snare and much worse than the Harlot system. This is the coming 'End-Times' prophecy which is looming on the horizon. People whom many believe are going to save the world (Trump, Elon Musk and many of what seem to be Conservative and Nationalist governments) will actually be ushering this technocratic, totalitarian, dystopian and feudal system in, whether they know it, or not...
By worshipping the 'Beast System' and its A.I. god, the masses will then be tempted and tested to take the
'Mark of the Beast'
which actually means agreeing with and/or doing the worst of all abominations! Prophecy states that after this time there will be the return of our Messiah who removes all the wicked and their influence from the Earth and ushers in His 'Millennial Kingdom of Righteousness.' A righteous nation of Israel will exist and flourish. Following that, the people of the Earth will be tested one last time and then it's 'Armageddon' and the end of this fallen world...
Still reading? Great! And good effort 😁
I have a few more nuggets to share so read on... Everywhere I look on social media I see Western people dumbfounded as to
why their governments and leaders are allowing unchecked mass migration of mostly aggressive young male migrants into their lands while at the same time two-tier policing is occurring putting White people at a disadvantage in their own societies. This situation is being called numerous things even by the UN and EU such as: 'The Migration Pact, 'Replacement Migration', 'Globalisation' and even 'The Great Replacement' agendas but, these are just worldly terms that hold no truth as to exactly why this is all happening. The only real answers can be found in 'Exodus Chapter 20' & 'Deuteronomy Chapter 28.'
As I've mentioned, in these prophetic scriptures the pattern of judgement is laid out as blessings or curses. The West has been blessed for quite some time now but since the door to liberalism was opened in the 1960s those blessings are turning to curses. Embracing abominations such as abortion, sexual immorality and idolatry is the downfall of Western civilisation. The solution is repentance and change and never
turning back to our bad ways. The West's time is running out and it needs to start keeping the commandments again and for rulers to apply them like when 'King Alfred the Great' of Britain did when he wrote them into 'The Book of Law.' This turned the people back to morality after decades of punishing attacks from the ruthless Vikings and peace reigned. We need someone to rise up and proclaim this truth before it's too late! Mass cultural repentance is the only way to prevent this terrible fate for the West...
It's no coincidence that during the time of the blood moon tetrad and solar eclipse of 2014/15 the floodgates were opened into the Western world for unchecked migration of military-age males who hate Western people. This is not happening to other countries. It's also no coincidence that these migrants mostly come from nations that the West has colonised and/or bombed recently. The Globalists call this 'Wealth Transfer' or 'Equity.'
As the blessed West expanded and took over primitive and cursed cultures and their lands, a few generations later the descendants of those colonised nations are coming to take over the now cursed Western nations. It's plain to see for those with eyes that see 👀
What we are witnessing is the enactment of Exodus 20
"Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third generation and upon the fourth of those that hate me"
Deuteronomy 28
"Foreigners who speak a strange language will be sent to attack you without warning, just like an eagle swooping down. They won't show any mercy, and they will have no respect for old people or pity for children"
and "The foreigner in your land will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower. You will become the tail while he becomes the head."
Currently we are seeing White Western people and their history being steadily erased. Terms like 'DEI' and 'Critical Race Theory' are being used to justify what is perceived to be an injustice against White people. In the Bible and throughout history we see this pattern has played out since the beginning of time.
There's nothing new under the sun. When a once blessed civilisation turns to abusing its freedoms the Divine laws of reaping what you sow start to manifest. There is hope, but it lies not in the world with all its deceptive belief systems. This includes the apostatised
church that founds itself upon lies and false doctrines. These destructive doctrines empower many believers to feel they can continue in their wrong ways because their faith is what saves them from the consequences!
The apostatised church continues to embrace idols and lawless false doctrines from the false apostle Paul (see the jwo site mentioned above for further information.) These doctrines are contrary to the Messiah's teachings of repentance, turning back to His Father and keeping the soul-saving
Commandments as per 'Matthew 22:37-40, John 5:43, Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 19:17, Matthew 7:21-23 & Revelation 14:12-13.'
The Messiah came in His Father's name. He is the Truth and the Truth sets us free! Not lies and dogma. The time has come to pass this
test that we humans have been given, and call upon the Name above ALL names and seek the only One who can truly deliver us from the troubles ahead and from the hands of our enemies...
Projects in the pipeline:
Two Biblically based charities (unfortunately delayed.) One is about demons: what they are, why they exist, what they do to us due to our bad lifestyles and wrong choices, and how our Messiah helps us to cast them out. This will be a service that also offers advice and deliverance sessions (can be online) with the aim to help set-free and empower people who may be battling with these very real demons which are the cause of many physical and mental illnesses and
dis-eases. We've been made to believe the Bible is just fairy tales, but I can assure anyone reading this, that it's not. The Scribes and translators may have added and corrupted parts over time, however, the most
important words are still intact...
When my demon was first revealed to me I thought it was a ghost and then a mental illness. When I finally searched with all my heart I found the Messiah! A large part of His ministry is about setting us free from these multidimensional parasites that we unwittingly invite into our bodies. Demons want us to stay in a certain mind-set and continue to do the things that feed them our energies. By continuing to feed them they gain more power over our minds and bodies until we are chronically sick, lost, and feel hopeless. If you feel you are battling with a demon then contact me. By sincerely choosing to turn from our wrong ways and by calling upon the Messiah and His authority over these dark spirits, we can defeat them and rid them from our lives. I have been humbled and guided to help a few people with their demons and it changed their lives like it did for me in 2009.
The other site is all about the amazing power of plants that were skilfully designed for us. It's incredible how our awesome Creator has given us everything we need to nourish and heal ourselves using the huge variety of plants He made. However!
The power-hungry of this world have done well to suppress this knowledge and have deceived us with their synthetic, harmful chemicals wrapped up as life-saving pills & potions! This site will offer information, advice and support with options to book a free consultation with me, a certified Master Herbalist
I will be able to help procure or blend herbal remedies to assist those who may be seeking out natural medicine instead of the snare that is
Don't let the darkness of this world turn you bad...
Don't you know?
You're Precious!
Much love