Scaringly R​eal Music

Extra Stuff!


I hope you enjoyed visiting my site 😊 There are two new songs on the way so watch this space! Big thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years 🙏🏼 You simply ROCK! It's a great feeling to know there are people who enjoy my art and truly humbling to know it's being used in projects all over the world. If anyone would like to license my music outside of the fair use policy then please get in touch. If anyone has any questions about my testimony and beliefs, would like me to pray for you, or someone you know then feel free to get in touch on my email or social media accounts. Read on if you're wondering why so many bad things are happening in the world at present. These nuggets of truth are incredibly important and I implore everyone who wants to fully understand them to read the Messiah's words and the scriptures mentioned later on. We are instructed to test everything as laid out in Deuteronomy 13 & 18. Here it reveals that we are also being tested.
The Serpent's Seed (TaresNephilim,
Descendants of Cain) have sought to corrupt truth by subtly stitching their dark spells of Paganism, lawlessness and idolatry into the most popular and powerful book in the world through their corrupt Scribes and translations.  They are the offspring of the 'Fallen Angels' and their goals are; to corrupt us, disrupt our connection to our Creator and pervert His true nature, to conceal His profound love for us and turn His creation on its head. We are at war with these beings make no mistake about it! And the war is for our souls...
You can learn more here:

As negative as this all sounds we have a hope in the Messiah and we need to follow His teachings and look at things through a Biblical lens and perspective. Unfortunately, things are about to get much worse which should become more apparent as we head towards yet another tetrad that happens during 2032/33. Looking at the current state of the world it's clear that many people refuse to humble themselves and have become more selfish and lawless. It certainly looks like we are heading towards even more difficult and dark times 😔 I can see the next few decades bringing much turmoil due to the ultra-liberal spirit growing in the world especially in Western nations. These lands of predominately white people with roots in Celtic, Anglo-Saxon & European history are home to some of the 'Lost Tribes of Israel.' The falling Western empire is being invaded by its enemies and I believe will be brought low through the coming world war and what ensues when the dust settles. You may have noticed that the power behind the modern state of Israel is not what it seems and Israel is being used to destabilise and divide the world. The counterfeit Israelis/Jews (aka the Edomites, Babylonian Talmudists and Khazars) are in full control. They're also in league with the Jesuits and Royal Dragon Bloodlines. These groups of powerful people are the descendants of Cain who have always kept control over influential nations and empires ever since the time of Cain. The people who run world events behind the scenes and their puppets such as presidents and politicians are all related and are of the bloodline of Cain, Nimrod and the Egyptian ​Pharaohs. In other words they are Nephilim - Fallen Angel/Human Hybrids! 👽 This is why we see their occult symbolism everywhere such as the Egyptian obelisks in Washington DC, London and the Vatican and a pyramid with the all seeing eye of Horus in the Knesset in Israel. Make no mistake, these are not simply decorative or commemorative symbols, they are Occult, Satanic, and Luciferian symbols of power and domination. Ever since the true Israelites were taken into captivity in 597 BCE by the Babylonians there have been imposters using their identity for various nefarious reasons. It started with the Edomites who moved into the land of Judea during that time when the land was uninhabited due to the captivity. They went on to become leaders of the Pharisees who later merged with the Babylonian Talmudists which the Messiah exposed and called them out for being:
"Jews who are not Jews"
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9
These imposters who later merged with the Khazarians (e.g. Rothschild) in the 8th Century AD hide behind the true Israeli people and their identity, subtly masquerading as them while making the world point their fingers at those who they hide behind...
It's a clever deflection tactic! Along with the Jesuits and Royal Dragon Bloodlines they hold much influence over the world's governments and they own most of the media outlets, banks, corporations and powerful NGOs.
This very powerful group of rulers of nations are being used to bring judgement much like the numerous times the nation of Israel was judged in the Book of Genesis. This is known as the 'Seed Wars.' We also see Israel and the surrounding tribes being placed into captivity throughout Biblical history due to the people embracing immorality & lawlessness. This is one of the roles of the descendants of Cain; to enact the necessary divine judgements upon a wicked generation to humble them so they turn back to the light. Many people do not know this and misunderstand history. These Nephilim bloodlines are also under the Divine Judgements....

In the Book of Revelation we read the prophecy of the 'Beast' turning on the 'Harlot' that rides upon it. This portrays the 'New World Order' destroying the 'Old World Order.' The Vatican Harlot and all world religions and its influences will be overtaken by the 'New-Age Beast System' that's slowly taking shape behind the scenes. The whole world is turning on the old order and is being primed to accept the new. This is part of the Beast rising-up to destroy the Harlot in Revelation 17:16. However, the Beast system which will be presented as an 'Age of Enlightenment' will be a snare and much worse than the Harlot system. This is the coming 'End-Times' prophecy which is looming on the horizon.
By worshipping the Beast system the masses will be tempted to take the 'Mark of the Beast' which means agreeing with and doing the worst of all abominations! Prophecy states that after this time there will be the return of our Messiah who removes all the wicked and their influence from the Earth and ushers in His 'Millennial Kingdom of Righteousness.' Following that, the people of the Earth will be tested one last time and then it's 'Armageddon' and the end of this fallen world...

Everywhere I look on social media I see Western people dumbfounded as to why their governments and leaders are allowing unchecked mass migration of mostly aggressive young male migrants into their lands while at the same time two-tier policing is occurring putting white people at a disadvantage in their own societies. This situation is being called numerous things such as the 'Migration Pact', 'Globalisation' and even 'The Great Replacement' agendas but, these are just worldly terms that hold no truth as to exactly why this is all happening.
The only answers can be found in Exodus Chapter 20 & Deuteronomy Chapter 28. In these prophetic scriptures the pattern of judgement is laid out as blessings or curses. The West has been blessed for quite some time now but since the door to liberalism was opened in the 1960s those blessings are turning to curses. Embracing abominations such as abortion, sexual immorality and idolatry is the downfall of Western civilisation. The solution is repentance and change and never turning back to our bad ways. The West needs to start keeping the commandments again and for rulers to apply them like when 'King Alfred the Great' of Britain did when he wrote them into 'The Book of Law.' This turned the people back to morality after decades of punishing attacks from the ruthless Vikings and peace reigned.
It's no coincidence that during the time of the blood moon tetrad and solar eclipse of 2014/15 the floodgates were opened into the Western world for unchecked migration of military-age males who hate Western people. This is not happening to other countries. It's also no coincidence that these migrants mostly come from nations that the West has colonised! As the blessed West expanded and took over primitive cultures and their lands, a few generations later the descendants of those colonised nations are coming to take over the now cursed Western nations. It's plain to see for those with eyes that see 👀 What we are witnessing is the enactment of Exodus 20 "Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third generation and upon the fourth of those that hate me" Deuteronomy 28 "Foreigners who speak a strange language will be sent to attack you without warning, just like an eagle swooping down. They won't show any mercy, and they will have no respect for old people or pity for children" and "The foreigner in your land will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower. You will become the tail while he becomes the head."  

Currently we are seeing white Western people and their history being steadily erased. Terms like 'DEI' and 'Critical Race Theory' are being used to justify what is perceived to be an injustice against white people. In the Bible we see this pattern has played out since the beginning of time. There's nothing new under the sun. When a once blessed civilisation turns to abusing its freedoms the divine laws of reaping what you sow start to manifest. There is hope, but it lies not in the world with all its deceptive belief systems. This includes the apostatised church that founds itself upon lies and false doctrines. These destructive doctrines empower many believers to feel they can continue in their bad ways because their faith is what saves them from the consequences!
The apostatised church continues to embrace idols and lawless false doctrines from the false apostle Paul. These doctrines are contrary to the Messiah's teachings of repentance, turning back to His Father and keeping the soul-saving commandments as per Matthew 22:37-40, John 5:43, Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 19:17 & Matthew 7:21-23. The Messiah came in His Father's name. It's time to call upon the Name above all names and seek the only One who can truly deliver us from the troubles ahead and from the hands of our enemies...

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