Scaringly R​eal Music

Extra Stuff!


I hope you enjoyed visiting my site 😊 There are two new songs on the way (but delayed sorry!) so watch this space...

Big thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years 🙏🏼 ​You simply ROCK! It's a great feeling to know there are people who enjoy my art and truly humbling to know it's being used in projects all over the world.

If you would like to license my music outside of the fair use policy, please contact me. If you need any clarification concerning my beliefs, testimony, and views, or if you would like me to pray for you or someone you know, feel free to contact me via my social media accounts or my email here:

Before you go, here's some important stuff I'd like to briefly share to compliment and summarise the links and gallery above 🧐

We humans are constantly being tested, and as the world turns, we either get blessed, or cursed.

Modern-day Israel is a snare for the true Hebrew Israelites 🪤 It was created and is controlled by:

"Jews who are not Jews"
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9
These descendants of Cain, aka the Globalist Cabal, are using Israel to divide & conquer the world. They hide behind the Hebrew Israelite identity as they have done for thousands of years. The Messiah called them out, and they murdered Him. Many real Jews are beguiled and held spiritually captive by them.

Our Creator is judging this world right now and is allowing the wicked to rule over many Western nations, including the UK, aka Britainistan, and the USA, with its orange man pied piper. Mr. T is a great deceiver who will eventually lead his flock into the snare of the Talmudists' Noahide law, and at present (2025), with his team of oligarchs and technocrats, assists with ushering in WW3 and the Satanic—New World Order—of transhumanism and digital enslavement, using sleight of hand tactics.

Making the Messiah—Yahushua (Jesus)—into God and worshipping Him is idolatry, and together with the lawless doctrines of Paulinism, Atheism and Liberalism that have taken precedence, it has been the downfall of Western Christianity and civilisation.

White people face genocide because the growing prevalence of lawlessness and idolatry since the 1950s has weakened and cursed them—"...visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me..." (Exodus 20:5). ​To put it simply, this is a cause-and-effect pattern warning us that the offspring of immoral and ​corrupt people suffer, and this is currently the case.

The Western empire is no longer protected and blessed by the Almighty. The people are cursed and are being replaced—"...and the foreigner living among you will rise higher above you while you sink lower. He will become the head, while you become the tail...". Its lands are being invaded by its enemies and given to another people; see Deuteronomy 28 & Leviticus 18 for further information.

Through subtle additions and manipulations of the Bible scriptures going back thousands of years and even to this day, the descendants of Cain have managed to deceive billions into believing our Creator needs endless animal sacrifices and a human blood sacrifice to atone for our sins and be forgiven our trespasses. And a priesthood to absolve us and be our only true means of connecting to Him. This is contrary to His true and original Word.

The power battle between the envious idolator Aaron and the chosen one Moses, which is all too frequently ignored, the true Levites and the Aaronides, between Israel and Judah, brought about a corruption within the Divine scriptures.​ When the Bible is studied honestly and carefully, with all of its contradictions and doublets, this is clearly evident.

For instance, it is incorrect to assume that Moses penned the five volumes of the Torah. How could he have written about his own death? Additionally, there are verses that disparage him, claiming that he had uncircumcised lips and a heavy tongue and mouth (Exodus 4:10 & 6:12). The edited and added parts also say that Aaron lifted the staff of the serpent (Exodus 7:9-10) and not Moses (Exodus 4:3). There are countless doublets and revisiting of previous events that contradict the original words and conspire to distort and undermine the truth.

A priestly pen—the corrupt Aaronide priesthood, together with the Babylonian Talmudists (Jews who are not Jews), later added their blood-cult influences, their countless animal sacrifices, priestly rituals, and hierarchy to subvert the truth, gain riches and power, and control the people.

They also succeeded in removing and supplanting our Creator—the Almighty YaHuWaH, the Eternal One 7000 times with a nameless, false god called Hashem and later, the LORD. Also, the addition of the Romanised and ​Hellenised idol we know as Jesus Christ that supersedes YaHuWaH in the hearts of so many. There is no such god called Hashem, and Yahushua the Messiah is not His Father or part of a trinity.

The Masorete scribes removed the Divine name, and the Romans (and later Bible translators) added their subtle man-god lies, the addition of the controversial letters of the false apostle Paul aka Saul, and the forged letter of 2nd Peter, amongst other corruptions. In the original Hebrew Matthew gospel, there's no trinity verse of Matthew 28:19, and John 1:1 is a mistranslation that even the Jehovah Witnesses point out!

These are simply subtle yet powerful corruptions of and additions to the original scriptures that have the ability to take us away from truth, off the straight and narrow path, and into the wide path of destruction. All of this deception is allowed for choice, and our Creator permits it to test our hearts. Just as in the Garden of Eden.

To believe something or someone else can be our substitute and release us from the ​cause-and-effect of our own bad ways is contrary to 99% of the teachings and morals in the Bible. Not even the Messiah taught such a thing. The 1% is the leaven—the corruption of the Pharisees (fake Jews) and of Herod (Rome) as warned about by the Messiah in Mark 8:15. I highly recommend reading the two books about the Bible and Torah and the two websites I've linked above if you're interested in this topic.

In the ​not-so-distant future, it is prophesied by Ezekiel and Jeremiah that the Tribes of Israel, which will include the remnant of White people of Ephraim and the true Jews of Judah, will reunite under their concerted reverence of the Almighty YaHuWaH, their observation of His Commandments that will be written on their hearts, and their faith in Yahushua as their Messiah.


If White people, who are of the Lost Tribes of Israel, don't turn back to the Almighty YaHuWaH with a mass cultural repentance soon, I believe, as history and scripture show me, only a remnant will remain.

Don't let the darkness of this world turn you bad...
Don't you know?
You're Precious!
Much love

Copyright ​©​ They Made Mo​nsters 2025